Thursday 20 March 2014

Swimming sports

Mr Mossop Called up the year 8 boys. I was excited to be doing the doggy paddle. When we got to the marshalling area I got in lane 2 with. Tyler Mr Mossop said, “Take your marks!” and then I lost my balance and fell in. Everyone else got a good dive in and I did a big belly flop. It didn't hurt that much because I was wearing a top.

After that me and Tyler were coming last and I kept laughing and choking on the water. By the time we were three quarters of the length I was coming second to last and then I got passed again. At the end I came last.

Friday 7 March 2014

Last Day Of Art

Today at art we finished our Print. I first of all had to carve the rest of the sky and ocean. Then I rolled my black on and rolled it on to each of the my prints. Once I finished We had to make a print on a white piece of paper with black ink or black paper with white ink. We still had to use the same wood cut but we could what we wanted with it. I used a black and white piece of paper. I glued the black piece of paper then I used the black ink and printed it on to the white paper. and then I ran out of time so I through it away.  

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Day Three Of Art

At art today was fun. Today we carved something els out. Then we role another colour of ink and what ever we carved out before was yellow. It looked pretty cool. After that I had to carve pretty much everything els out.  

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Day Two Of Art

Today at art we based our prints on the battle of Gate Pa or a Maori picture. First we had to draw it onto a pice of paper and then we had to draw it onto a pice of wood. Then we had to go over it vivid. then we had to carve something out with a carving tool. After that we rolled yellow ink onto the wood and we pushed it onto a pice of paper.    

Monday 3 March 2014

Day One Of Art

Today at school we had art tech. It was fun even know i'm not good at art. We had to draw what ever was in front of us. In front of me was a boat with some paddles and some other stuff in it. It was hard to draw mine and it didn't look that good. And then we had to draw it on to a piece polystyrene card. Then we had to role yellow ink onto the card and then we rolled on to a peace of paper with a clean roller. then I had to cut something out and then had to clean it and role red or brown onto the card then we put it over the yellow ink after that the bell rang so we went back to the class for lunch.  

Sunday 2 March 2014

why we dont want possums in nz bushes

 Possums eat all the native birds food and kill them.
Possum’s are a pest to new zealand.
Possum’s only come out at night, so they are called nocturnal.
There are about 30 million possums in nz.
They can weigh between 1.4 - 6.4 Kgs.
They were first brought here to nz in 1837.
Around 9,000 tonnes berries,Leaves and fruit are eaten every night.
Possums are native to Australia and are protected there.