Thursday 16 May 2013

Las Vegas Here We Come

Since I last blogged we have been to San Diego. We went to the zoo, an aircraft carrier [USS Midway], we also went for a cruise around the harbour and then we drove into Tijuana [ Mexico ]. Tijuana was so bad my brother was so scared that he wouldn't even let my mum put down the window.

We went to Phoenix [ Arizona ]. It was 100 deg F because it is a desert. We saw lots of cactus. My mum wanted to take a picture of every one we saw.

We then drove to the Grand Canyon. I personally thought that it wasn't that great.  My mum thought that it was cool at the start until my father took a photo of my brother dangling his legs over the side of the canyon, then she freaked out and didn't let him near the edge again.

The next day we drove to Las Vagas. We stopped at the Hoover Dam.  It was 106 deg F which to me was very hot. It was really high too.

I will tell you about Las Vagas next time because it's now midnight and I need to go to sleep.          

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